"We will definitely restore the Ukrainian Donbas," Shakhtar's president commented on the lawsuit against Russia

Ukrainian businessman, Shakhtar president Rinat Akhmetov commented claim for compensation for all damages, caused to him as a result of interference in the activities or expropriation of assets and investments by the so-called "DPR" and "LPR" under the leadership or control of Russia in 2014-2017.

Rynat Akhmetov

— On February 24, 2022, a large-scale invasion of the Russian army into Ukraine began. But for me, as well as for many Ukrainians, the war began in 2014. It was then that Russia invaded the territory of our country, began to seize the most important enterprises for our economy and destroy our infrastructure. My position remains the same: we will seek justice by all legal means in all possible instances. Russia must be punished for its crimes against Ukraine and Ukrainians, which have been counted since 2014.

Therefore, I am suing for full compensation by the aggressor country for all damages caused to us since 2014 in the illegally occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Justice must be restored, and the aggressor must suffer both financial and criminal punishment. I will invest the recovered funds in the restoration and construction of new enterprises, the creation of jobs and the growth of Ukraine's economy.

We will definitely restore our country, including ours, the Ukrainian Donbas, and the Donbas Arena will once again become a place of happy meetings and bright emotions, Akhmetov told the press service SCM.

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