"On Dynamo.kiev.ua began to go to when he played in Dynamo" - Alexander Golovko on the day of the 25th anniversary of Dynamo.kie

Former defender and captain of Dynamo Kiev Oleksandr Golovko on Dynamo.kiev.ua 25th anniversary told about his attitude to our site.

Alexander Golovko

"I have a very good relationship with Shurik's website and its author. Together we analyzed many Dynamo Kyiv matches, searching for the answers as to why the team played the way it did, and what prevented it from playing better, to achieve a better result. It was a good time.

Of course, I learned much earlier about the web site, as it was created when I played for Dynamo. Of course, I`m not sure I started visiting Dynamo.kiev.ua from the very first year of its appearance, but I remember that I`ve been visiting "Shurik`s place" ever since I started using Internet. It was interesting not only to get the information about the life of our team and soccer, but also immediately read the statements of the fans - in those days it was a novelty", - said Golovko.
