Artem Fedetskyi: "If someone else had been in Zelensky's place, he would have surrendered the country long ago"

Former Ukrainian national team player Artem Fedetskyi spoke out about President Volodymyr Zelenskyi in an interview with the Brutal Football YouTube channel.

Artem Fedetsky

"Everyone says: "Zelensky is so and so...". Fuck you... Shut your mouths. Because if it were someone else in his place, he would have surrendered the country long ago. And they start there: "He did this or that on purpose...". F**k, the experts on the sofa are just... Sometimes I want to pick up the phone and throw it at the TV, not to watch or read anything, because people really think so narrowly, their thoughts are just dead-end.

All the experts are sitting there, scribbling, writing: "He is so-and-so...". And they would approach him and say: "Go ahead, take responsibility and do as you see fit." No, I don't want to, why? Because you're a pissant, you can only write there and shit on someone. But to take responsibility, to do something... You can make a mistake, of course you can, because everyone is human.

If it's an unconscious mistake, it's one thing, but if you deliberately make some bullshit, then no, I'm sorry. The country is united now, although there are people who are trying to rock the boat a little bit and bring imbalance from within," Fedetsky said.

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  • A G(Toha111) - Эксперт
    31.05.2023 12:22
    В ,,зелених" окулярах трави не видно.
    Ти, Артеме, для себе уже відповів на питання: хто розмінував Чогар, Хто здав майже увесь південь України за 4 дні, хто організував оточення і здачу Маріуполя, хто розформував танкову бригаду в Овручі, хто допустив прорив кацапів через Чорнобиль, хто вивів спецназ із Гостомеля за день до вторгнення, хто оточив себе любими друзями-зрадниками і казнокрадами?
    І це тільки те, що на поверхні!
    • 17