Renowned Russian journalist Aleksey Andronov has congratulated Sergei Rebrov on his appointment as head coach of the Ukraine national team.

"Friend, I am happy for you. You have served football all your life, you have been honest with it everywhere. You have earned the right to lead your country's national team. Even if in hard times for them (the country and the national team).
Now the media are timidly mentioning that you were the Russian champion. With Rubin. I will say more. You had a very serious offer from a top Russian club. But it was already on its way (which you cannot call it). You did not come. And rightly so.
There is no need to be timid. Serhiy Rebrov has always served Football. Never and never served anyone. Never flirted. Never sought happiness on the cut with politics.
You are one of the most decorated coaches in the years/tournaments ratio. In 9 years of coaching, you've been champion 6 (!!!) times. Someone chuckles (I hear) "champion of what"? Let them. Who hasn't held anything heavier than a sandwich in his hand - he's always giggling.
You know, I've been dreaming for a few years that you would lead Borussia Dortmund - I even said that once... Probably, it is too big a risk for it. Although I am pretty sure - you would have played the championship game differently.
You're taking on a very tough job. No one in the world can understand that, because no one has ever worked in such conditions. I have faith. You will win. He who is born to crawl cannot fly, but he who is born to win will overcome all difficulties. Together with like-minded people and friends.
Sergey, I'm always with you! I will support you and help you! Go on, to victories!". - Andronov wrote on Facebook.