Igor Jovicevic says the reason for his dismissal from Shakhtar

Apparently, already former Shakhtar head coach Igor Jovicevic told Germanijak in a commentary about the reasons for his dismissal.

Igor Jovicevic

- I would like to lead Shakhtar to the Champions League again, because it was my Champions League, I won it, but... it's hard for me to live and work in such a situation, I can't see my family for a long time, we are separated. I don't think any coach in the world has been through what I've been through this season, from numerous away trips to living in a bunker. I'm tired," Jovicevic said.

Jovicevic is now in Zagreb and did not want to comment further, only confirming that he is indeed no longer the coach of Shakhtar, the source writes.

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  • andrei39
    Андрей Лазко(andrei39) - Эксперт
    09.06.2023 21:50
    Йовічевіч за рік склав собі ім"я у Європейському футболі, отримав безцінний досвід.
    Він вартий поваги хоча б за те, що почав розмовляти Українською коли це ще не було мейнстрімом.
    То ж я бажаю йому що б його кар"єра пішла в гору у клубі котрий буде його цінувати.
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