Dynamo Kyiv President Ihor Surkis commented on the future of some of the club's players for TaToTake.

About Buyalsky: "I did not give Vitaliy any ultimatums. He is a decent guy. He openly shared with me and the head coach his desire to play abroad. I promised him that I would not hold him back if the club received a good offer. But until then, Buyalsky remains a Dynamo player and is going to the training camp. We understand that he is a very influential player for the team."
On Besedin: "Artem came to me on crutches - he is recovering from a serious injury. We talked and, despite his long-term contract with Dynamo, we agreed that he would be granted free agent status. I wish him good luck!"
On Supryaga: "He will not be on the list of those going to the training camp. Supryaga is recovering from surgery. He needs another 3-4 months."