Urgent! 15 representatives of Dnipro-1 felt symptoms of poisoning on the eve of the game with Panathinaikos, including 8 players

Volodymyr Zverov, the editor-in-chief of Profutbol Digital, spoke about the situation at Dnipro-1 ahead of the Champions League 2nd round qualifying match against Panathinaikos.

Photo: scdnipro1.com.ua

"According to my information, 15 (!) representatives of the Ukrainian club fell ill last night. They all felt symptoms of poisoning. Among them are 8 players! It is clear that their participation in the evening game is in doubt.

Even those members of the club's delegation who did not have dinner with the team in the Athens hotel felt symptoms of poisoning. They only drank water and ate bananas that the organising party had left for the guests in the locker room.

The club is currently investigating how this could have happened. At the same time, the team administrators are buying food themselves at a local supermarket.

Dnipro-1 are also dissatisfied with the organisational reception arranged by the Greeks. According to the regulations, they are supposed to do everything clearly. For example, after the training session, there were no towels in the Dnipro-1 dressing room. Also, the bus that transported the team to the hotel was 30 minutes late and instead of taking the obvious route to the hotel, it started wandering around for a long time," Zverov wrote on his Telegram channel.

The match between Dnipro-1 and Panathinaikos will start at 20.30. The Greek club won the first game 3-1.

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  • ROGER MILLA(V.S.O.P.) - Эксперт
    01.08.2023 13:27
    Перш за все в такій ситуації винуваті ті працівники клубу, в обов'язки яких входить слідкувати за харчуванням футболістів. Щоб унеможливити отруєння та потрапляння в організм спортсменів заборонених препаратів команди возять з собою кухарів, їжу і навіть воду. Якщо такої можливості немає то все одно не харчуються де попало і чим завгодно
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