Klopp on Salah's dissatisfaction: "His reaction was absolutely normal"

2023-08-14 12:53 Liverpool head coach Jurgen Klopp commented on the emotions of Mohamed Salah, who was substituted in ... Klopp on Salah's dissatisfaction: "His reaction was absolutely normal"
14.08.2023, 12:53

Liverpool head coach Jurgen Klopp commented on the emotions of Mohamed Salah, who was substituted in the second half of the match against Chelsea.

Mohamed Salah, Getty Images

- "I can understand him because if Mohamed had scored, he would have set a new record for the number of goals in the opening rounds of the Premier League, but I didn't think about it. We needed stability and fresh strength. The game was very tense for everyone.

That's all I can say about it, his reaction was absolutely normal. If he had jumped into my arms at 1-1, I would have been surprised. So it's absolutely normal," said Jurgen Klopp.

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