One of the coaches of "Zorya" Mladen Bartulovic commented on the conflict with the coaches of "Alexandria" during the match of the championship of Ukraine.

"After the crossbar the ball popped up in the field, and a few seconds later there was an offence on the flank, not far from Rotan's bench. That's after that it started. The foul was recorded in our favour, and the shouting started.
I was silent, someone else from our bench shouted something to the referee about the foul. They know me in Alexandria, I played in my time with Rotan, Yezerskiy and Kravchenko, probably, that is why they shouted at me.
I just did not shout anything at all. My voice is not heard at all. They started to say bad words in my address. It was a shock for me. Although for 90 minutes we never once said a word against the opponent," said Bartulovic.