Official statement of Prykarpattia

"Prykarpattya released an official statement regarding the information about the scheme of fictitious enlistment of players of the Ivano-Frankivsk-based football club.


"Yes, they have served and are still serving: both players and coaches are wearing uniforms. The initiative was taken by the TCC and JV together with IFC Prykarpattia, and it was publicly announced in April 2022.

14 players and coaches of Prykarpattia joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At that time, some of them were demobilised and stopped working with the club. Some of them are still serving and participating in the life of the Prykarpattia-ZSU team.

We are waiting for an objective investigation," reads a statement on Prykarpattia's official website.

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  • Ба вовна - Старожил
    25.08.2023 14:06
    Не в ЗСУ, а в охорону ТЦК зарахували. І не тільки футболістів. Так двоюрідний брат мера раптом одним з тренерів став і теж ніби служить. Ще і гроші отримують як військовослужбовці. Це ганьба!
    • 10