Mircea Lucescu: "We did not play against Besiktas, but against the African national team"

Dynamo coach Mircea Lucescu commented on the team's defeat in the first match of the Conference League play-offs against Besiktas.

Mircea Lucescu. Photo: fcdynamo.com

"It's a negative result, but in terms of the game and the team's ability to dominate the opponent, it's positive. We did not play against Besiktas, but the African national team - Gambians, Congolese, Ghanaians, Angolans. It's hard to play against them with 11 players from the club. They took advantage of our players' inexperience and scored goals. "Besiktas is a good team. They have made good transfers," Digisport.ro quoted Lucescu as saying.

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  • Залізничник Васильович - Опытный писатель
    25.08.2023 17:17
    «11 вихованців клубу»? Це про Караваєва, Сидорчука, чи про Беніто і Діалло?
    А «недосвідчені» це мабуть ті самі Караваєв, Сидорчук, Буяльський разом із Бущаном, Поповим, Тимчиком?
    Відмазки Луческу виглядають щоразу смішніше.
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