Denys Garmash's transfer to Osiek was unexpectedly put on hold. The reason is known

Dynamo midfielder Denys Harmash was about to be announced as a player of Croatian side Osijek, but the situation suddenly became more complicated, Sportski Novosti reports.

Denys Harmash (photo: O. Popov)

According to the source, the veteran of the Kyiv club was unable to cross the border of Ukraine to leave. Now Denis is waiting for the appropriate document that will allow him to travel abroad.

"No one wants to give firm guarantees when the Ukrainian will be in Osijek, but the club is confident that the experienced midfielder will soon arrive in the city on the Drava," the Croatian website writes.

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  • Serkhio - Читатель
    01.09.2023 17:36
    А взагалі- дійсно, якого біса? Гармаш, при всій повазі, не є гравцем сбірної, не вистпає у міжнародних змаганнях, а просто захотів поїхати трошки пограти за хорватський клуб, та на морі поплавати. Чому звичайні люди такого не можуть собі дозволити, а футболісти особливі?
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