Georgy Sudakov: "A very unfortunate mistake... It will be a great lesson for me"

2023-09-13 00:23 Ukraine's midfielder Georgii Sudakov commented on the outcome of the Euro 2024 qualifying match against Italy ... Georgy Sudakov: "A very unfortunate mistake... It will be a great lesson for me"
13.09.2023, 00:23

Ukraine's midfielder Georgii Sudakov commented on the outcome of the Euro 2024 qualifying match against Italy on Suspilne TV.

Georgy Sudakov. Photo:

- The Italians were very active in pressing in the first half. What are your impressions of the first half of the game?

- Of course, we understood that there would be a lot of pressure, because the Italians were only satisfied with winning. We knew that at the San Siro, with such incredible support, the opponent would run forward. It's a pity it happened that way.

- Can you tell us more about the moment when the Italians managed to open the scoring?

- It was a very unfortunate mistake on my part. I understand that at this level you cannot make such mistakes. This will be a great lesson for me. Before the match, I took the boots with plastic spikes, but I should have had metal ones. When I changed them later, it was much easier. It was my mistake. I want to apologise to the team and the fans. You can't make mistakes like that at this level.

- The national team used a lot of vertical passes. What is your opinion on this?

- We have powerful forwards - Dovbyk, Yaremchuk, we understood that we had to play on them so that they would cling to the ball. I want to play more short passes, but we need to understand what to do on the pitch when the team is under high pressure. My mistake cost us a goal.

- How important is this experience for you?

- This is an incredible experience. It's a dream to play for the national team. When you go out to play at the San Siro, it's something special. I guess this mistake had to happen at some point, let it happen now, and it will be a lesson for me for the future.

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