Press conference. Serhiy Rebrov: "We will play with the strongest squad, regardless of who is injured".

On Saturday, 14 October, the Ukrainian national team will play a Euro 2024 qualifying match against North Macedonia. The match is nominally a home game for the Ukrainian national team, but due to the war will be held in Prague. A day before the game, Ukraine's head coach Serhiy Rebrov held a pre-match press conference at the Epet Arena stadium, which will host the game.

Sergei Rebrov. Photo - A.Popov

- What is the condition of the team? Are all the players healthy?

- First of all, I would like to say that we are very grateful to the Czech Republic for giving us the opportunity to prepare here for the upcoming match and creating all the conditions for fruitful preparation.

As for the personnel situation, unfortunately, Krivtsov was injured at his club and he will not play tomorrow. On the other hand, Popov returns to the general group today. All other players are ready to play tomorrow.

- How difficult was it to prepare without Tsygankov and Yarmolenko?

- I do not think it was very difficult. We have players who can replace these players. I am sure that tomorrow we will take the field with the strongest lineup, regardless of who is injured. In addition, the opponent has similar problems, so we are on equal terms.

- Are you considering the option of playing with three centre-backs?

- We are considering a lot of schemes, you will see everything tomorrow.

- What conclusions did you draw after the first match against North Macedonia?

- We worked on our mistakes, and it is very important. It was the first official match of the Ukraine national team after I was appointed its head coach. I saw the desire of the guys, but the first match is always very difficult. In football it is very important to gain confidence in their abilities from the first minutes of the match, but, unfortunately, we did not gain it, we conceded one goal, the second.... It is good that we got back into the game in the second half.

We have analysed this match and understand that tomorrow's game we must start differently. I am sure the players understand this and this time they will play more concentrated.

- What is Mikhail Mudryk's condition after he got injured at Chelsea? Can we see him from the first minute tomorrow?

- We can. I am very happy for Mikhail, for the fact that he scored his first goal for Chelsea and looked very confident in that game. It is important for him, for Chelsea and for the Ukrainian national team. I am sure he will help us.

- Thanks to what Malinovskyi returned to the national team? In what condition did he arrive?

- I know Ruslan, he always comes to the Ukraine national team with great desire. Regardless of whether he was or not at the previous training camp. Last time he had no game practice at all, but now he plays, helps Genoa and deserves a call-up to the national team.

- What are your first thoughts when you look at the current standings of our group?

- I did not look at it at all. (laughs). We have 7 points, North Macedonia - also. What to look at it? It is important to concentrate on your game, on the nearest match and not to think about what will happen next. It is important to do everything possible in every game to take three points and go further.

- How closely do you communicate with the head coach of the youth national team of Ukraine Melgosa?

- We are constantly talking. I agree with Unai that in the match against Luxembourg our youth team created many more chances than in the match against Northern Ireland. I see progress in the team's attack. We are waiting for the match with England. There are candidates in the youth team of Ukraine, we are in touch with the head coach, we talk about the candidates who are in our "youth team".

In addition to Sergei Rebrov, the defender of the Ukrainian national team Vitaliy Mykolenko also took part in the press conference. Report about his communication with journalists >>>.

Alexander POPOV from Prague

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  • Дэви Аркадьев(Devi) - Эксперт
    13.10.2023 19:49
    Важно в каждой игре делать всё возможное, чтобы взять три очка и идти дальше.
    Дорогой Сергей Станиславович, от всей души благодарю за эту, на мой взгляд, весьма информативную пресс-конференцию! Не знаю, как мои коллеги-журналисты восприняли её в родной Украине и Праге, а меня - через океан! - в Филадельфии, она настроила на позитив. К тому же, исподволь напомнила о психологии победителей, которую Вы, как говорится, впитали с младых ногтей. Дай-то Бог, не ошибиться...
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