Nigerian goalkeeper of Zhytomyr Polesya Chijioke Aniagboso, who signed a contract with the Ukrainian club back in late May this year, has only now arrived at the location of his new team, according to the official website of the "wolves".
Note that this 19-year-old goalkeeper is a player of the youth national team of Nigeria (U-20). As part of it Aniagboso became a bronze medallist of the Youth Africa Cup of Africa-2023, where he played all six matches of his "youth".
Хай виграє лігу чемпіонів у 2025 році)))
*Пьер нарцисс - это тот, кто пел про шоколадного зайца)
Соответственно: волки похожи на сильно укрупленного шакала.)
Я ж говорил, что за интервью с тобой должны драться Дискавери с Нэйшнл Географик...))