Lunin played again for Real Madrid but conceded a goal and received low marks

Ukrainian goalkeeper of Real Madrid Andriy Lunin last Saturday defended the gates of his team for the second time in a row - this time in the Spanish championship match against Valencia.

Andrei Lunin

Unfortunately, to play on zero 24-year-old goalkeeper failed: he missed a goal in the 88th minute of the meeting.

Spanish Championship. 13th round

"Real " - " Valencia " - 5:1 (2:0)
Goals: Carvajal (3), Vinicius Junior (42, 49), Rodrigo (50, 84) - Duro (88).

Lunin received low marks for his performance in this match. WhoScored gave the Ukrainian 6.8 points, which was the lowest rating among all players in Real Madrid's starting line-up. In a similar way, Lunin's game was assessed by SofaScore: in this case, the goalkeeper has 7.0 points, and this is also the lowest score in the "base" Madrid team (however, in this case the same score was given to four field players of Real Madrid).

Recall, the main goalkeeper of Real Madrid Kepa Arrizabalaga recently suffered an injury, from which he will recover for at least two weeks.

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  • Nauhnar - Наставник
    12.11.2023 13:32
    смотрел матч до 4:0, Валенсия очень слабая, Реал играл легко, создавал много моментов.

    в начале игры соперники опасно атаковали и Лунин сделал пару сейвов.

    а затем до 4:0 у него работы почти не было.

    что было дальше, не знаю, но при таком характере игры когда вратарь фактически отдыхает, за что же ему ставить высокие оценки. )

    автор заголовка этой новости - очевидно чувак против Лунина.

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