Taras Stepanenko: "I can't say that the match with Italy is some kind of apogee".

Ukraine midfielder Taras Stepanenko spoke about the mood for the match of the final round of the Euro 2024 qualifying cycle against Italy, which will be held tomorrow in Leverkusen, Germany.

Taras Stepanenko. Photo - A.Popov

"There are many in our team who have already played more than once in matches of such a level as the one we will have tomorrow. So mentally for the game with Italy everyone is ready, there is a good atmosphere in the team.

I can not say that tomorrow's match is some kind of climax. It is the media that present it that way. Our work throughout the year brought the result that every match we played gave us the opportunity to play the decisive match tomorrow. Each match in this qualifying cycle was important - it gave us the opportunity to continue to fight for Euro 2024. Therefore, we perceive tomorrow's match in the same way. But in this case the concentration and confidence in our abilities should be a bit higher," Stepanenko said at today's pre-match press conference in Leverkusen.

Alexander POPOV from Leverkusen

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