"We have a referee who can put some men under the belt. I'm talking about Monzul," Obolon director

Oleksandr Riznichenko, the director of Obolon Kyiv, singled out Kateryna Monuzl in an interview about refereeing in Ukrainian football.

Alexander Riznichenko

"I've read various comments in the media, both from referees and for borsch. Well, that's the way it is. Our position is that whether a man or a woman does his job, we are talking about the referee.

I'm sorry, but we have a referee who can put some men under the belt. I'm talking about Kateryna Monzul. She referees international and world-class matches. We are talking about a referee, not a woman," Ukrainian Football quoted Riznichenko as saying.

It will be recalled that in the recent match of the 17th round of the Ukrainian championship between Shakhtar and Veres (2-0), Monzul awarded a penalty literally out of thin air to the visitors' goal.

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  • Дик Шелдон(Shorey) - Наставник
    10.12.2023 11:35
    Монзуль піар-проект Павелка для УЄФА. Щоб показати яке його УАФ про-європейське та продивнуте. Гендерна рівність і така інша муть. При чому Монзуль посередня арбітриня, яка чомусь досить часто робить помилки на футбольному полі проти Динамо та на користь шахтаря.
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