MEDIA: Vitaliy Buyalsky chooses between Bundesliga and Serie A

The leader and captain of Dynamo Kyiv, Vitaliy Buyalsky, is in the sphere of interest of representatives of the Italian and German championships, reports citing Tutto Mercato.

Vitalii Buyalskyi (photo: Oksana Vasylieva)

The 30-year-old's contract with Dynamo runs until the summer of 2025, but the captain of the White and Blues may start the next season at a new club. We are talking about one of the foreign teams.

German clubs Wolfsburg and Borussia Mönchengladbach are interested in Vitali's services and intend to make a request to Dynamo about the player's transfer fee. There is also interest from Lazio of Rome.

"Dynamo will let their captain go to another club if the Kyiv club is offered at least two million euros for the player, the source said. The main condition for the transfer will be the player's desire to change teams.

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  • Złatko . - Наставник
    20.12.2023 22:42
    Динамо - 1986 (моя улюблена команда!)
    Чанов - Донецьк
    Безсонов - Харків
    Балтача - Маріуполь
    Кузнєцов - Магдебург
    Дем'яненко - Дніпро/петровськ
    Рац - Закарпаття
    Яковенко - Харків
    Яремчук - Вінничини
    Заваров - Луганськ (Ворошиловград)
    Бєланов - Одеса
    Блохін - Київ.

    Може ти вже стулиш пельку про образи українців? Чи лляти воду будеш на млин пуйла?
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