Today is a special day in the history of football for Dynamo fans. Exactly 48 years ago - on 30 December 1975, the legendary Dynamo forward Oleh Blokhin received the Golden Ball award from the French edition of France Football.

Blokhin became the first footballer in Dynamo's history to win this prestigious individual award.
"I became aware of the victory a week before the New Year. I think I was sitting at home - I had something with my leg at the time. I got a phone call informing me about winning the Ballon d'Or. At first I thought it was a New Year's Eve joke. But when the calls from different people - colleagues, friends and journalists - started coming in, I realised straight away that I was not being joked about.
The team congratulated me and praised me: "Well done, you supported the team's reputation. After all, at that time we played for the honour of the club, we were a united team. In my success was the merit of the whole team, its head coach. "Golden Ball" is the prestige of Dynamo!", - said Blokhin.