Former Shakhtar player Oleksiy Hai recalled working with Romanian coach Mircea Lucescu at the Donetsk club.

- "Under Lucescu, the team was rebuilt, and many new players came to play under Mircea's vision of football. At that moment, I felt that Lucescu was not counting on me. Prokopenko was also in the team at the time and helped Mister. I approached Viktor Yevhenovych and asked him what I should do in this situation. He said: "Go to Lucescu, talk to him, and together you will make a decision that will suit everyone."
I talked to Mister. I said: "I see that you are not counting on me. Can I go play for another team?" He said no problem. "Lucescu did the right thing to let me go because he saw in me a desire to play," Guy toldUV.