Viacheslav Fridman: "I think Burbas is fulfilling the orders of Dnipro-1's competitors in the fight for third place"

Dnipro-1 Commercial Director Vyacheslav Fridman commented on the information that Oleksandr Kucher is suing the Dnipro club over a debt.

Vyacheslav Fridman

"Dnipro-1 lost about six million euros due to not qualifying for the European Cup. If we had received this money, we would have been able to quickly pay off the debt."

- Vyacheslav Yevhenovych, what can you say to the fact that Kucher is suing Dnipro-1 for wage arrears and a bonus for second place?

- I would not like to comment so often, because there are too many Friedmans in the football press, but this is a serious question, so I will answer it.

Of course, we will pay off Kucher. We have already started to pay off the transfer ban. I recently spoke to Krasnikov and told him about it. He probably just didn't have time to tell Kucher.

- Many people are suing Dnipro-1 over debts. Aren't you afraid of penalties, such as deduction of points?

- We will definitely close all debts and are already working in this direction.

It is clear that the club must always be responsible to the players and coaching staff for fulfilling its contractual obligations. But if a club signs players for a lot of money and pays them good salaries, then it also wants to get some kind of return.

"Dnipro-1 has always strived for financial fair play. We did not fulfil the task and did not qualify for the European Cups. In this regard, Dnipro-1 did not earn about six million euros, as we know from last year's campaign. If we received this money, we would certainly be able to quickly pay off our debts to former and current players and coaches.

"Dnipro-1 lives within its means. We want the club to earn and have income. We must not forget that the championship is held in wartime, when the country's industry is practically non-existent, so the financial problems of the clubs should be perceived by the fans with understanding.

Football is designed for the target audience of people of military age who are fighting at the front, who donate to the Armed Forces, giving their last 100-200 hryvnias, and the players at the same time receive 15, 20, 25 thousand dollars, so it is ridiculous to read about two months of arrears. What should a fan do in this case, cry?

"We have the money to pay Jovetic, but a purely technical nuance prevents us from paying him"

- How are things going with Jovićević's debt?

- We have the money to pay Jovicevic, but a purely technical nuance prevents us from paying him. Ukrainian legislation during the war does not allow money to be withdrawn from Ukrainian banks in euros to the account provided by Jovicevic. We are trying to resolve this issue, looking for options.

- Kucher said that Dnipro-1 has four months' arrears to both the current players and the coaching staff. Is it true?

- No, it's not. For several years now, Dnipro-1 has had a two-month pay gap, which we would have got rid of if we had qualified for the European competitions this season. To be clear, the players get paid monthly - in December for September, in January for October, etc. This cannot even be called a serious debt. Dnipro-1 pays the money in white, the players receive it on their cards, there are no problems.

"I think the insider is carrying out orders from Dnipro-1's competitors in the fight for third place"

- Ihor Burbas was the first to write about Kucher's lawsuit against Dnipro-1. He also reported on Rusol's alleged transfer to Polissia. Why does he mention Dnipro-1 so often in his insights?

- I think he is fulfilling someone's order.

- Whose order?

- Our competitors in the fight for third place. There is no point in saying the names of the clubs, there are three of them. "In my understanding, Shakhtar are now out of competition, they will not miss out on first place.

- Why isn't Dnipro-1 fighting for first or second place?

- The fight for prizes is not only about a medal around your neck, the main thing is financial income for the club. Last season, we fought for the first place with Shakhtar, but we learnt a lesson that it is too early for us to think about the championship. We have already taken second place, but it did not bring us happiness from the financial point of view.

Andrii Piskun

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  • Валерий Сикорский(VTS) - Наставник
    19.01.2024 14:16
    Когда-то эти слова и доводы мы от руководства Днепра уже слышали. К чему это привело известно. Заключать контракты из расчета удачного выступления в еврокубках - это нечто. Ну-ну.
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