Bosnian fans: "Yes, good 'brothers' Ukrainians..."

Bosnians were generally neutral towards Ukraine before the match and even started to sympathise a little after our fans in Zenica sang a popular song about Putin. Due to the fact that the political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina is currently tense, which could escalate into a military conflict, the locals are very sensitive to any ambiguous situations.


Ukrainian fans carried a Russian flag into the sector to "provoke Putin". But there was a local fan group BH Fanaticos nearby, whose representatives assure that it was a Serbian flag. And the Ukrainians took it with them to provoke the Bosnians, who are now worried that war will not break out because of the Serbs.

At the same time Bosnians admit that they booed the Ukrainian anthem and it's not about the fight for the flag, as the media say. Because the Finnish anthem was also booed at the match with Finland. At the same time, football-related topics were much more discussed than football itself. Not least because this match did not decide anything for the Dragons. Therefore, this time the selection will be unusual.

The opinions of Bosnians are divided. Some write that the Ukrainians wanted to support Bosnia in this way and turned the Russian flag upside down to show that they are together with the Bosnians against a common enemy. Others are sure that the flag was really Serbian, and the Ukrainians decided to mock the locals. Still others do not understand the point of flying a flag, whether it is Serbian or Russian, except to provoke a conflict. There are also those who believe that it was a provocation by the Serbs, who somehow got into the Ukrainian sector. In general, fans believe that the Ukrainians should not have done this, as it could provoke unpleasant consequences for Bosnian football - disqualification of the stadium or a number of matches without spectators. In any case, the Bosnians will suffer because of it.

Pitko: Russian flag, Serbian flag... You can say as much as you want that you brought the wrong flag or something seemed to someone. But if Ukrainians wanted to support Bosnia, they simply prepared some banners in support of our country. Bringing the flag of Russia is provocation. Ukrainians should know how Bosnians feel about this country. It turns out that they deliberately did it to annoy us.

Dzevudin: Look at the photograph. A man is holding an upside-down Russian flag. Before the fans moved on them, they turned the Russian flag upside down. Don't play crazy by assuming that Ukrainians don't know what the Russian flag looks like and don't distinguish between so many different colours. It was only when they saw it looked like the Serbian one that they sang songs against Putin. They are against Russia, but we can also say that they provoked us with their strange behaviour.

Ahmed: Ukrainians came to watch football and support their national team or to make political provocations? They should have been kicked out of the stadium and out of the country. They should not have been allowed in at all, they only cause trouble.

Momak: Ukrainians are good people, they would not just provoke us. I think that there were specially sent people from Russia or Serbia, who raised the flag at the right moment, and even during the national anthem. Have you ever seen someone raise the flag of a foreign country while singing the anthem of their own country? There's no logic to it. But everyone knows how sneaky the Serbs are and how easily they could have organised it.

Vinko: Initially it was clear that it was not worth letting Ukrainians into Bosnia. There were provocations, as we expected. They themselves have a war in the country, they should understand that they should not behave like that. But it seems that they have already forgotten how it is perceived.

Taletovic: We all know who it was on the Ukrainian sector with the flag, don't we? It certainly wasn't people from Ukraine. Or do you really think that Ukrainians, who have been at war with Russia for almost 10 years now, keep the flag of this country at home and take it to football matches in other countries? This situation reeks of Serbian provocation to quarrel us with Ukrainians.

Kurtic: Burn in hell, Ukrainian provocateurs! Knowing what is happening in our country and how close we are to the beginning of a military conflict, you bring these tricolour rags to the stadium! And it doesn't matter which country was actually there, because both of these countries are guilty of wars. So why did you take this rag and start waving it in our stadium?

Elvir: The longer I follow football, the more I hate it. Many people care more about political provocations in the stands, squabbles, fights, stupid banners and incomprehensible flags. We don't care if you like it or not, you don't come to protest at football or express your political views. People come to the stadium to watch football, not to understand political messages. So in any case the Ukrainians acted stupidly.

Nurki: Against the background of all this, I do not even want to discuss football.... Ukrainians won, but I can't wish them luck in the playoffs just because of their behaviour. I laughed when they sang the song "Putin is a kurva", but I was upset that they brought the Russian flag with them. I hope it wasn't the same people and that the Ukrainians had no malicious intent.

Dedik: These people from Ukraine were confused, thinking that they will meet Serbs here and can troll them, and our fans were confused, thinking that Ukrainians support Serbs and decided to mock us. That's why sometimes it's important to learn geography at school and know where you've come to and whether the people you want to say something to live here. Otherwise you can get punched in the face for your joke.

Starce: Stupid thing to do. Ukrainians first provoked a conflict at the stadium, now UEFA will pay attention to it. They say they decided to support us like this? Fuck you and your support. You can burn these flags at home, but then you will be responsible for it. We don't need any more trouble.

Zeki: We don't want to be disqualified from the stadium because of the flag. If it was a provocateur not from Ukraine, he would have been quickly beaten by his own people for the Russian or Serbian flag. If they did not, it is clear that this was a pre-planned action. The usual petty provocateurs who only added to our problems. We can only hope that UEFA and other organisations will not pay attention to this.

Tihic: It was not Ukrainians, but Serbs. Mercenaries from the Serbian Republic, who really need to provoke an international scandal. If not for the police, there would have been a fierce fight, innocent people would have been beaten, and then Russian and Serbian channels would have shown it on TV and talked about why it is necessary to introduce troops to Zenica and Sarajevo. That's why they closed the guest sectors.

Efendi: I would advise to shut up the juveniles and people far from football. Because Ukrainian soldiers saved us during the war and sacrificed their lives for our children. Ukrainians and Croats are our only true friends. Football is football, but we should not forget about history.

Almir: Football was so bad. I would not say that the Ukrainians impressed. They have an ordinary team, the same level as Finland. I do not even know how they managed to get to the quarter-finals at the Euro. In their place could be Bosnia, which is no worse than Ukraine.

Brahe: Yes, good "brothers" Ukrainians. They brought a rag to the stadium for some reason. Now Serbs will say that Bosnia allowed it on purpose to organise a political provocation and humiliate their flag. Wait for information on local websites that there was an international scandal in Zenica. Only the Ukrainians are to blame, and UEFA will punish us. I will not be surprised if now we will have to play 5 matches without spectators.

Meslija: Dzeko got injured at the most inopportune moment. Pjanic decided to go out in nightclubs. The Finns broke Kološinac. As if everything says that we just didn't have a chance to go to Qatar. As if we didn't need it. Well, after any black streak comes a bright streak. Let's hope we have a lot of wins ahead of us.

Alic: We played well and should have beaten Ukraine today. If it was not for their goalkeeper, Bosnia would have led in the score and then would have played calmly on the counterattack. It's a pity that luck turned away from our team again today. Without luck in football it is very difficult to succeed.

Dzi: Without Pjanic, Dzeko, Kolosinac... It was difficult to count on a positive result. But the team still looked decent. Thank them for their character. This team has a future, but we need to renew the squad and attract more young players.

Irfan: I will not wish good luck to Ukraine in the play-offs. Finland seemed to me a much more interesting and sympathetic team. They were just a bit unlucky to play against France, which is in perfect shape.

Gordan: Ukraine won and took second place. Albeit not without the help of France, but who will remember about it tomorrow? So we can argue for a long time and say that Bosnia is no worse, but the one with more points is better. So Ukraine deserves to get into the playoffs a little more than Finland or Bosnia. The rest doesn't matter anymore.

Sljuka: Ukraine will fall in the playoffs from the first opponent. But I'm not writing this because I'm angry at them or upset after the defeat. Just objectively Ukraine, Finland and Bosnia are too weak teams for playoffs. I have seen how other teams play and I realise that Ukraine is unlikely to get past even one opponent. I'm not even talking about qualifying for the World Cup.

Pjevo: Surprisingly, but the second team of Bosnia played no worse than the main team of Ukraine. If we had been a little more lucky, we would have won today. But all this selection the national team is haunted by some bad luck. Therefore, we should praise the team for today's match and wish them to play no worse than today in the selection for the Euros. Then we will definitely get there.

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  • Олег Олег - Эксперт
    17.11.2021 09:23
    С флагом ни черта не понятно, а вот освистывать гимн - есть типичное жлобство. Эталонное просто...

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