Andriy Shevchenko, President of the Ukrainian Football Association, on the second anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
"Exactly two years ago, we woke up to terrible news. Then the whole world shuddered at the enemy's impudence and felt the pain of Ukraine. And since that day, the world has seen our resilience and struggle.
Thousands of representatives of the football family have joined the ranks of the Armed Forces. They are fighting for our future together with other defenders. They are true heroes and idols for future generations.
Since the first day of the full-scale invasion, my choice has been to do everything I can to support Ukraine and to ensure our common victory. For the sake of the time when we will finally see the fans at the packed Olimpiyskiy in Kyiv. When we play international matches at Ukrainian stadiums again.
I am proud to be in the same team with you. We will win together! Glory to Ukraine!" Shevchenko wrote on his Instagram page.
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