Artem Kravets: "It is unethical to spend huge amounts of money on reinforcement now"

Advisor to the President of Dynamo Kyiv Artem Kravets spoke on UPL TV about the transfer work of the capital's club.

Artem Kravets

- "In its transfer policy, Dynamo is not inert, but simply sets the right priorities. Given that there is a war in our country, it would be somehow unethical to spend huge amounts of money on strengthening. "Dynamo is trying to find ways to strengthen for normal, adequate money, so that the team can be strengthened and achieve some results with the help of this strengthening. But I don't think it's necessary to take someone just to take them, so that this person can block the way for our young players," said Artem.

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  • Юра(Dynamo_s_Dnepra) - Наставник
    26.02.2024 19:11
    Динамівські вихованці грають нічим не гірше, ніж днонєтскіє негри-ноунеми, за яких ахмєтав 15млн платить, хоча їх вартість на трансфермаркеті не більше трьох. На данний момент Динамо Київ вже забило на 11 голів більше, гів днонєтскіє. Два найкращих бомбардира УПЛ - це Ванат та Буяльський
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