Bosnia and Herzegovina - Ukraine - 1:2. Post-match press conference. Serhiy Rebrov: "Told Yaremchuk to score a goal".

On Thursday, 21 March, the Ukrainian national team defeated the Bosnia and Herzegovina national team 2:1 in the semi-final match of the play-off round of the Euro 2024 qualifying cycle. Here is the post-match press conference of the head coach of the Ukrainian national team Serhiy Rebrov.

Sergei Rebrov

- What analysis can you give after such a game? What did you change in the last minutes of the match to turn the tide? What did you say to Roman Yaremchuk?

- I told him to score a goal. Indeed, we changed the course of the match in the last 15 minutes. We expected a very difficult game, the national team of Bosnia and Herzegovina changed the structure, played with three centre-backs. The game was so difficult because the hosts defended very well, so it was difficult to crack that defensive line. It's good that we won.

- You made the right decisions with the substitutions. What can you say about the game?

- Today we played against a strong opponent. The hosts played with three centre-backs, which has never happened before under this coach. The Bosnians defended well, it was difficult to pass this wall. We changed the structure, we used a second forward. I think it helped, we scored twice.

- Do you agree with the opinion that the national team of Bosnia and Herzegovina lost to themselves?

- I do not think so. Our players tried to press more, we changed the structure of the game a little bit. Maybe the Bosnian team was not ready for this structure. Maybe that was the problem. We created chances in the last 15 minutes, the players showed desire and we won.

- How important is this victory for the people in Ukraine, especially considering the night attack on Kiev?

- I spoke about it to my players before the match. I hope that our team gave some positivity to our people. As you said, there were 30 rockets last night. They're flying every day. Our mission is to show that we are still alive, still fighting the Russians, that we still need support from Europe. This game showed the character of our players and our nation.

- How would you evaluate the game of the debutants of the Ukrainian national team?

- They helped the team a lot. Volodymyr Brazhko, a young player, played very powerfully. As well as Oleksiy Gutsulyak, who came on as a substitute. The whole team deserved the victory, I will not single out anyone.

- The next few days will be very busy. Ahead is the match with Iceland. How do you assess this opponent? Maybe you have done some tactical preparation for the Icelanders before?

- Yes, we have been watching the Icelanders. But it will be a completely different game. We will play in Poland, where there will be a lot of our fans. I am sure the stadium will be filled, everyone will be waiting for the match. First of all, the players must recover, it is very important now. There will be a different game and a different mood for our players.

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  • Олег Олег - Эксперт
    22.03.2024 13:05
    Как обьяснить такой научный феномен? Во втором тайме до 85 минуты боснийцы буквально валились с ног от усталости, судорог, от любого столкновения их корчило так, что слезы наворачивались на глаза от взгляда на этих бедолаг. И вдруг после первого , а затем и второго пропущенных голов пляски святого Витта резко прекратились и отважные рыцари зеленых полей будто обрели второе дыхание. Куда девалась былая усталость и повышенная травматичность?! Чудеса, да и только... Клоуны, сцуко!
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