From now on, to postpone a match of the Ukrainian championship for another period of time, the respective consent of both clubs participating in the match will be needed. Artem Gaharin, the vice-president of Kryvyirogorsk Kryvbas, said that such a decision was taken at the last meeting of the UPL clubs.
Eleven UPL clubs were in favour of the decision, which turned out to be the majority. Against were Shakhtar, Dynamo, Zorya and Alexandria, while another club abstained.
"A heated discussion was sparked by the issue of postponing matches without the consent of the other side, adopted last year. "Kryvbas initiated the cancellation of this norm and 11 clubs, which are the majority, supported us. We believe that conditions for all should be equal, it is one of the elements of fair-play.
"Kryvbas" with great respect for the clubs that represent Ukraine in Europe and bring points to UEFA, but there are 16 teams in the UPL, so we need to take into account the interests of all. This is fair on our part, because there is a high probability that Kryvbas will play in European cups next season," Ukrainian Football quotes Gagarin as saying.
Но мне вот очень сложно представить , как ЧО в следующем чемпионате сможет сказать - мы против переноса матча с командой президента страны , или против переноса матчей той команды, которая будет играть в плей-офф ЛЧ .
Особо учитывая что олимпийская сборная будет играть в Париже.
Откровенно говоря не завидую составителям календаря на следующий сезон , будут во всем виноваты , хоть бери и начинай сезон на месяц позже. Но в какое ужасное состояние попадают всё те же команды попадающие в плей-офф еврокубков, получается неприкрытая задница .