Estonian Football Association reacts to Vasiliev's statement: official statement

The Estonian Football Union has published an official press release regarding scandalous statements by national team footballer Konstantin Vasiliev.

"We reiterate a united and clear position: we stand for Estonia, for supporting Ukraine and against Russian aggression. Supporting Ukraine means, of course, that we are against Russia's war in Ukraine, we condemn the war. We sincerely hope that the war will end with Ukraine regaining control of all its territory, and as soon as possible.

Konstantin Vasiliev explained that he is a pacifist by nature and loyal to Estonia in every sense, but realising the situation, he decided to give up captaincy in the Estonian national team. The board recognises Vasiljev's decision and has no doubts about his loyalty," quoted the EFS press service as saying.

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  • Led - Наставник
    12.04.2024 21:03
    Когда кто-то себя называет пацифистом, можно быть уверенным в одном из двух: он или дебил, или лицемер.
    • 3