Kryvbas general director: "With both hands we support official incentives for referees"

General Director of Krivoy Rog "Kryvbas" Vladimir Baenko commented on the information that UPL clubs voted in favour of allocating funds for bonuses for referees.

Vladimir Baenko

"The position of our club - in general we support. But there is a nuance in the fact that there was a proposal to do it this season, and we want from next season. We have to understand, budget it and then already collect the funds. Not fundraise it first and then budget it. It's a little bit the other way round.

But we support with both hands rating, incentivising arbitrators officially, so that we raise funds, the best arbitrator let him earn for a flat, for anything. So that he realises that he can earn it all," Baenko said.

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  • alex1964B - Наставник
    26.04.2024 08:19
    Великі зарплати і великі пенсії не змусили звичайних суддів відмовитись від хабарів.А чому футбольні судді це якийсь виняток?
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