The famous Ukrainian coach Vyacheslav Grozny spoke about his attitude to the traitor of Ukraine, Anatoliy Tymoshchuk.

- What do you think of when you hear the name Tymoshchuk?
- I don't want to talk about traitors and separatists. This is not football, but another component. Anyone can make a mistake, any coach, referee, official can make a mistake. But traitors... No, I don't even want to talk about them. If you are a Ukrainian, you remain a Ukrainian for life. Otherwise, change your passport and don't talk about Ukraine. A person betrayed his homeland - that's all. Anyone who stays in Russia is a traitor to me. Even a doctor, a coach, a player. There is simply nothing to comment on.
- If he was standing in front of you now, what would you say to him?
- I wouldn't even want to see him. He leads his life in a country that is destroying us, Ukrainians, and is engaged in genocide. How can this be?
How would he appear in front of me? But he will not come here. Did a single person in Ukraine say a good word for him when he stayed there? No! The separatists will say so, and the traitors too. All the evil spirits who point missiles at our cities will. Are there any such people? Unfortunately, yes. They are all scum who treat Ukraine in this way, who are against Ukraine.
Yevhen Chepur