The position of most UPL clubs on the use of the VAR system next season has become known

The majority of Premier League clubs are ready to leave the VAR system in place for the next season of the English Championship, Sky Sports reports.

It is reported that after Wolverhampton's proposal to put to a vote the feasibility of using the VAR system next season, most clubs are of the opinion that the video replay system should be retained.

However, it has also been noted that clubs are demanding significant improvements to VAR to prevent future mistakes like those made this season. One of the teams that has suffered from incorrect VAR decisions is Wolverhampton.

The vote on the abolition of VAR is due to take place on 6 June, but it is already known that most clubs will vote against it.

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  • Yuriy(ExplorerYG_fkDK) - Эксперт
    17.05.2024 17:50
    И у нас на сайте, чел голусующий за устранение VAR тоже находится в единоличном меньшинстве.... Но кричит он об этом очень громко, и точно также как и с Вулверхэмптоном, его никто не желает слушать.
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