Bohdan Redushko: "Ukraine U-17 can play on equal terms against top teams"

2024-05-20 17:54 Dynamo Kyiv midfielder Bohdan Redushko told Team1 about the preparations of the Ukrainian U-17 national team ... Bohdan Redushko: "Ukraine U-17 can play on equal terms against top teams"
20.05.2024, 17:54

Dynamo Kyiv midfielder Bohdan Redushko told Team1 about the preparations of the Ukrainian U-17 national team for Euro 2024 in Cyprus.

- What is the atmosphere in the team camp now?

- The team has a great atmosphere. The players are friends and communicate with each other. The team has a great connection with the coaching staff. We understand that we will represent our country on the international stage. It is a very difficult time for Ukraine, so we will play for the honour of Ukrainian football and will proudly take to the field in the blue and yellow.

- Which of your group rivals should not be underestimated?

- In my opinion, no one should be underestimated in such tournaments. This is the final part of the European Championship. To get to it, the teams have passed a difficult qualifying tournament, so the best and strongest teams in Europe in this age category are gathered here. We will prepare for each opponent carefully and with respect.

- Have you only met Cyprus before?

- Yes, we met Cyprus twice, but in those two games I was not in the application, so I can't say anything about Cyprus in terms of the history of meetings with them.

- For those who don't follow the youth national team so closely, what kind of football does Yurii Moroz's staff set you?

- The coaching staff plays attacking football. But much attention is paid to the quality of ball control and pressure, which is an important component of modern football.

- How far can Ukraine go in this tournament?

- We set ourselves the highest goals at this tournament, so we will do everything possible for our overall success. There are no trifles in football, but a lot will depend on individual episodes. It is important for us to stay focused and play to the last second.

- Our team's application is really impressive - Bayer Leverkusen, Bayern Munich, Benfica, Dynamo and Shakhtar... We managed to gather guys from the leading Ukrainian academies, as well as legionnaires who have found themselves in top clubs. What do the legionnaires say about their experience abroad?

- Of course, this is a big plus for our team. The guys who play in foreign clubs have some experience and the right football mentality. They are confident that our team can play on equal terms against the top teams and have no fear on the field. We also understand this and prepare accordingly.

- Can you confirm or deny whether the war factor in the national team's matches is an additional incentive to prove yourself at the Euros?

- This is a great motivation for us: to play and glorify Ukraine. We will do our best to please the Ukrainian fans at least a little bit. Many thanks to our defenders, low bows to them for allowing us to play and represent Ukraine at the European Championship.

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