Former Chelsea player: "Mudryk needs to forget about hairstyles and tattoos. Play football!"

2024-06-06 13:46 Former Chelsea midfielder John Obi Mikel spoke frankly about the Ukrainian player of the Londoners Mykhailo ... Former Chelsea player: "Mudryk needs to forget about hairstyles and tattoos. Play football!"

Former Chelsea midfielder John Obi Mikel spoke frankly about the Ukrainian player of the Londoners Mykhailo Mudryk.

Mykhailo Mudryk. Photo: Getty Images

"He should get a haircut, stop getting tattoos, and organize everything in his head. If he does that, he will become a very good footballer. Mudryk has speed, strength, and he's a great ball-handler. However, he needs to put himself in order. He needs to forget about his hairstyle and tattoos. Play football and win matches for Chelsea!" quoted Mikel as saying.

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06.06.2024, 13:46

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