Ukraine national team defender Vitaliy Mykolenko in an interview with the UAF press service told about his injury, which he received in the friendly match with Moldova (4:0) the day before yesterday.
- I was more angry because I had been preparing for this match for 7 weeks, because it was our last sparring match before the Euros, and I got injured on the spot. So it was a little bit hard morally, but the team, the guys supported me very much. I am very pleased that I have such teammates, who always support me and say the right words.
I am also very pleased that the fans supported me by choosing me as the "Lion of the Match" (the prize for the best player of the match in the national team of Ukraine according to the results of the fans' poll - ed.). I need such support now. I don`t know when I`ll be back on the field, because I don`t know it myself yet, but I hope it will happen as soon as possible.
- In the episode that led to the injury, did the opponent played too roughly?
- I would not say so. If he played with his front foot in my ankle, it would have been really rude, and so - just an accident.
- Despite the injury, you still returned to the field....
- It was impossible not to try to get on the field. I did not understand the nature of the injury, and I had to run around and understand whether the place of impact hurts or not. But in the end I realized that I couldn't step on my foot and asked for a substitute.
Если ещё есть возможность, я бы дозаявил Караваева, который может закрыть несколько позиций.
Правда неясно, в какой форме Караваев сейчас.
А що, у людини є ще задня нога? А я досі думав, існують лише права і ліва.))
Зрозуміло, що Миколенко мав на увазі, проте в тексті це можна було б написати більш грамотно, наприклад: "виставленою вперед ногою"
- Щоб стати хорошим лікарем, Ви повинні бути спостережливими і
не гидливими. Ось робіть як я... - він швидко засовує
трупові палець у задній прохід і потім облизує палець.
Найкращий студент чи то студентка який з усієї групи не зригнув- морщачись повторює те ж саме.
- Так, - каже професор, - хорошого лікаря-хірурга з Вас не
вийде. Ви не гидливі, але й не спостережливі... Я
вставив у зад вказівний палець, а облизав інший-безіменний.