"We ourselves allowed Ukraine to turn the game around," - captain of the Slovak national team

2024-06-22 07:22 Defender and captain of the Slovakian national team Milan Shkrinjar commented on the defeat of his ... "We ourselves allowed Ukraine to turn the game around," - captain of the Slovak national team

Defender and captain of the Slovakian national team Milan Shkrinjar commented on the defeat of his national team from Ukraine (1:2) in yesterday's match of the 2nd round of the group stage of Euro 2024.

Milan Škriniar

"The first half went well from our side, but we simply have no right to play the way we played in the second half. We didn't follow instructions and allowed the opponent to turn the game around. We are disappointed, we imagined this match differently. But in this group everything is still in our hands.

It's a shame to miss such a chance to win after the first half, but we need to keep our heads up. We need to correct what we did not do well today and improve our game. Especially what we showed in the second half," the official UEFA website quoted Shkrignard as saying.

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22.06.2024, 07:22

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