Polissia newcomer suffers a serious injury at one of the team's first training sessions

2024-06-23 15:13 Polissya newcomer Danylo Bezkorovainyi was seriously injured at a team training session. This was reported by ... Polissia newcomer suffers a serious injury at one of the team's first training sessions

Polissya newcomer Danylo Bezkorovainyi was seriously injured at a team training session. This was reported by former journalist Ihor Burbas.

Danylo Bezkorovainyi. Photo: Polissia press service

"Polissya has a serious injury. At one of the first sessions of the summer training camp, newcomer Danylo Bezkorovainyi dropped out of the training process. According to my information, the player damaged his cruciate ligaments. The recovery time for such injuries is considerable. The center-back moved to Zhytomyr from Kryvbas' camp only a month ago for 600 thousand euros," Burbas said.

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23.06.2024, 15:13

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