Vitalii Mykolenko: "I am preparing for the game with Belgium as usual"

2024-06-24 15:38 Ukrainian national team defender Vitaliy Mykolenko answered journalists' questions at a press conference dedicated to the ... Vitalii Mykolenko: "I am preparing for the game with Belgium as usual"
24.06.2024, 15:38

Ukrainian national team defender Vitaliy Mykolenko answered journalists' questions at a press conference dedicated to the team's performance at Euro 2024.

Vitaliy Mykolenko

-Vitaliy, how are you feeling, are you ready to play?

- I'm fine, I've been training with the team for two days now. I'm glad to be back on the football field and preparing for the game against Belgium as usual.

- How can theUkrainian national team surprise Belgium? How do you plan to contain Romelu Lukaku?

- The most important thing in defense is discipline. If we have discipline in defense and in attack, we can beat this team.

- Vitaliy, you play with Belgian Amadou Onana for Everton. Areyou friends with him?

- We are not good friends, but we are good partners. Onana is a great footballer, just look at his transfer value. If we both play, I will fight with him every time. In the next game, we will not be friends and partners.

-Vitaliy, what should be done to neutralize Kevin De Bruyne?

- He is the best assistant in the Premier League, the best player in the Belgian national team, the captain. I hope he won't score and assist in the match against us, then I'll be happy.

-What are the weaknesses of the Belgian national team?

- We can't say that at a press conference. But we know their weaknesses.

- Vitaliy, after the match with Romania, the team was criticized a lot, but you didn't play because of an injury. Did this affect your psychological state, even though it did not affect you personally?

- I was thinking about the criticism and pressure, and I realized for myself that I had already been to Euro 2020 and felt it. After the match against Romania, it was easier for me to cope with this pressure because I already have this experience and know how to draw conclusions and prepare for the next matches.

-Are you ready to play with fivedefenders againstBelgium?

- I am comfortable playing with both formations, we have shown good results. For us, there is no difference, and if the coach gives us a setup, we have to fulfill it one hundred percent.

- Didyou pay attention to the fast attacks of the Romanians and the high pressure of the Belgians in their head-to-head match?

- Yes, we paid attention. We watched the match and analyzed the moments.

- How would you comment on Rezvan Ratz's words that Stepanenko should end his career?

- It's not about age. Ashley Young plays with me, he's 38, and no one says he's old, that it's time for him to retire. It's all about the sensors, as Taras says. When you see that he, Yarmolenko, Sydorchuk are in the top five at training, you realize that it doesn't matter what age they are, if they show everything on the field and work so hard. People only see the tip of the iceberg.

-What does this youth that is now present in the team give the national team of Ukraine?

- Yesterday we played a game of square at training. Ilya Zabarnyi, who has already played so many matches for the national team, is still in the square because of his age. I can't say that we have rejuvenated much in recent years. Yes, new players come in, but we need to have a balance. There must be a golden mean, and I think we have it in our team. I don't see a big problem, nor do I see a big advantage - it's normal.

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