"It's hard to find words. We were 30 seconds away from victory", - the captain of the Slovak national team

2024-07-01 09:12 Slovakia captain Milan Škrinjar commented on his team's defeat in the 1/8 finals of Euro 2024 ... "It's hard to find words. We were 30 seconds away from victory", - the captain of the Slovak national team
01.07.2024, 09:12

Slovakia captain Milan Škrinjar commented on his team's defeat in the 1/8 finals of Euro 2024 against England (1-2, extra time).

Milan Shkrynyar, Getty Images

"It's hard to find words, we are all completely disappointed. We were so close to reaching the next round. If we continue to play like this for Slovakia, we will probably have even more great moments ahead. England has high skill, they put us under pressure and then unexpectedly Bellingham scored a goal. It's a shame that we conceded in the last minute. We were probably 30 seconds away from winning.

But I'm really proud of the whole team. It was an amazing adventure and I would also like to thank the fans. We were ready to rewrite the history of Slovakia, but unfortunately, we failed. But I hope we will come back stronger," Milan was quoted as saying by the UEFA official website.

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