De la Fuente: "I don't understand why the fans booed Cucurella, but it gave him motivation"

2024-07-11 19:32 Spain's head coach Luis de la Fuente commented on the loud whistle against Marc Cucurella in ... De la Fuente: "I don't understand why the fans booed Cucurella, but it gave him motivation"
11.07.2024, 19:32

Spain's head coach Luis de la Fuente commented on the loud whistle against Marc Cucurella in the Euro 2024 semifinal match against France.

Mark Cucurelia, Getty Images

- I don't understand why he was booed. They did it to motivate Cucurella even more. Marko is a true professional and knows how to handle it," said Luis de la Fuente.

We would like to remind you that in the 1/4 finals match between Spain and Germany, the head referee did not award a penalty in the episode when the ball hit Cucurella's hand. Probably, local fans in tandem with French fans decided to boo the Spanish defender.

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