"Dynamo players should smear these f**ks on the lawn, destroy them on the field" - Vatsko about Dynamo's matches with Partizan

2024-07-12 08:26 Famous commentator Viktor Vatsko told us what he expects from the matches between Dynamo Kyiv and ... "Dynamo players should smear these f**ks on the lawn, destroy them on the field" - Vatsko about Dynamo's matches with Partizan
12.07.2024, 08:26

Famous commentator Viktor Vatsko told us what he expects from the matches between Dynamo Kyiv and Partizan Belgrade in the 2nd qualifying round of the Champions League.

Viktor Vatsko

"I'll tell you what I think about Dynamo's clash with Partizan. A few days ago, Kyiv's opponent played a friendly match with the Moscow dogs - CSKA (as well as with local Dynamo and Lokomotiv - ed.) He played in the capital of the terrorist country, the aggressor country, the killer country. They called this event the "Brotherly Cup". They were promoting the slogan that they are "brothers forever".

You see, these assholes don't care about morality, they don't care about the law, they don't care about banning pig clubs - they shout "brothers forever". And at the same time, those whom they call their f**king brothers are killing Ukrainian children, killing Ukrainian children, destroying our hospitals, our Okhmatdyt with rockets.

So I will say this. Dynamo players should go out for two matches with these f**ks and smear them on the lawn, bury the f**k under the ground. Bury it so deeply that your ears will turn!

Because this is not about football and not about chances - this is about evil, which must be punished wherever possible. And, believe me, I don't give a f**k what kind of football Dynamo plays in matches with Partizan - tactically competent or tactically incompetent; spectacular or boring; modern or old-school. They - the players of Dynamo Kyiv - must simply f**king destroy these f**ks on the field. It's not about football anymore, no - it's more than football. And I would really like Dynamo players to understand this point very clearly," Vatsko said on the Vatsko Live YouTube channel.

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