Former Dynamo Kyiv and USSR national team forward Valeriy Porkuyan shared his impressions of Euro-2024, and also recalled his performance at the 1966 World Championship.
- I didn't see any openly weak opponents at this European Championship," Valery Semenovich admits. - And it's not surprising, because in the final part there should not be such. Even if this or that team and performed unsuccessfully, not getting into the 1/8 finals of the tournament, it does not mean that it is frankly weak.
In most cases, teams are a little bit "slipped" psychologically after defeats in the first rounds of the group stage. Like, for example, Scotland, which in the opening game of the European Championship fell under the powerful press of Germany - 1:5. And the Ukraine national team spoiled its chances because of a big loss in the first round to Romania - 0:3. Then it was not easy for these teams. However, as well as Poland, Serbia and Czech Republic, also eliminated after the matches in the group.
As for our national team, although it played the next two matches against Slovakia and Belgium not badly, but it was too late. As they say, the train has already left. It will be a good lesson for the future.
- Who became a real discovery for you at Euro-2024?
- Of course, it is the Georgian national team. It was the first time Georgians got to such a solid soccer forum, but they showed great effort, cohesion and intransigence.
In the match against the Czechs they had to win, but in the final seconds Lobzhanidze lacked composure and experience in the closing stages. In the last game of the group stage Georgia made a real sensation by beating Portugal 2:0! But having fallen to Spain in the 1/8 finals, it was hard for Georgian players to play on equal terms, so they were forced to finish their performances in the championship.
The goalkeeper of the Georgian national team Mamardashvili, who worked miracles in every match, deserves a special distinction. I believe that this European Championship may become a defining one in his career and in a while we will learn about the goalkeeper's move to one of the leading clubs in Europe.
And besides Georgians I liked the Swiss and Slovenians, and also the Slovaks.
- Who, in your opinion, could have deserved a better participation in the 1/8 finals?
- In my opinion, Austria and Slovakia. These teams were unlucky in the final minutes, which is doubly disappointing. But nothing can be done, soccer is an unpredictable game.
- What do you think about the finalists of the European Championship - England and Spain?
- Everyone who overcame such a difficult path to the decisive match of the tournament, of course, deserves respect. True, the English team did not impress in terms of the quality of play as it used to. Many expected from it more colorful soccer, but pragmatism prevailed in its actions. The English, although not bad out of defense to attack, but inherent in the originators of soccer zest in the game we did not see. To some extent, the exit to the finals of the national team of England was not without a share of luck.
As for Spain, from the very beginning of the European Championship, we saw a meaningful and bright game, which was obvious: it is a 100% favorite. The Spaniards played all the matches quite evenly, proving their advantage over their opponents. Their actions were spectacular, there was a margin of safety. I was impressed by the play of young Yamal, who acted like an adult master. And he is only 16! This once again shows that in Spain, where a lot of attention is paid to the education of future footballers, the work does not go in vain. Gifted Yamal, I am sure, will still declare himself in full voice.
- Do you often remember the peripetias of the 1966 World Cup, where the USSR national team managed to win bronze with your help?
- I remember those events very well. At the World Cup in England, I played three matches out of six, scoring 4 goals. The first two matches, which were in the group stage - with DPR Korea and Italy were held without my participation, but the third, with Chile, I went on the field. The then head coach of the USSR national team Nikolai Morozov entrusted me to play - and I did not let him down. In that meeting we won 2:1, and I managed to make a "double".
This victory opened the way to the 1/4 finals, where we met with the national team of Hungary. And again I managed to distinguish myself with a goal, which contributed to another victory with the same score 2:1. In that match there was an episode when the ball after a blow from one of the Hungarians flew into our goal. However, at the last moment I managed to block its way into the net with my chest. After the game, happy teammates lifted me in their arms and carried me to the locker room. At that moment I thought: is this all happening in a dream?
Then came the semifinal. Our opponent was a powerful national team of Germany, which included such stars as Franz Beckenbauer and Uwe Seeler. I also scored for the Germans, but it was not enough - we lost 1:2. And we didn't deserve that defeat. Unfortunately, as often happens, external factors interfered - refereeing. The Italian referee was biased and did not give the German team a penalty. It was very frustrating.
So there was nothing else but to be satisfied with the match for third place, the USSR national team was not left. In it, our opponent was the national team of Portugal, led by Eusebio. And again the score was 1:2 - our team lost. True, I did not participate in that fight. We finished fourth, but according to the rules of the tournament, we, like the Portuguese, were awarded bronze medals. But unlike the others, I did not get a medal.
- Why?
- Despite the fact that I, as a forward, at the tournament "had the suit", Morozov did not put me in the game. If I had played in that match - and it would have been more than 50 percent of fights, which gave the player the right to receive an award. But even then the true essence of the Russians showed itself: so that the medal would not go to me, the Russian Husainov played in the meeting with Portugal.
What can I say: Russians have always been masters of doing various nasty things, and that case was one of them. I remember, when after the World Championship Dynamo Kyiv, where I played, had a home match with Spartak Moscow, the fans shouted loudly from the stands: "Khusainov, give the medal to Porcuyan!".
Vyacheslav Kulchitsky
сб.СССР на ЧМ-1966 не награждали!
учетная запись этого пользователя была удалена
така",а также сб.СССР, игравший в финале Кубка Европы 1964г. против сб.Испании и на ЧМ-1966.
учетная запись этого пользователя была удалена
для тех, кто был их свиделем, так и не знающих ничего.
учетная запись этого пользователя была удалена
учетная запись этого пользователя была удалена
учетная запись этого пользователя была удалена
Насчёт того, что Маслов приглашал Поркуяна, как игрока основного состава, ничего сказать не могу. Хмельницкий был основным, а на роль второго форварда в равной степени могли претендовать Пузач, Бышовец и Поркуян.
Насчёт интриг Бышовца тоже ничего сказать не могу. Кроме того, он был слишком молод, чтобы что-то мутить - в команде в самом соку были такие "зубры", как Щегольков, Турянчик, Соснихин, Островский, Сабо, Биба и Серебряников. Скорее, они бы "погасили" Бышовца, если бы он начал что-то мутить.
учетная запись этого пользователя была удалена
цова, который уже с 1965г. играл за "Торпедо". Куда легче было включить мало
известного Поркуяна...
умудрился включить его(Поркуяна)в сборную,он ни разу(!) не вышел
на поле.Пригодился для жребия, о чем не упоминает в интервью...
но и читал о том,что будь на месте Н.Морозова другой тре- нер, например,Бесков,тренировавший сборную в 1963-64 г.г. и уволенный за 2-е место в КЕ, он бы добился участия Стрельцова в ЧМ-66, как добился М.Якушин,сменивший Н.Морозова в 1967г.,как добился парторг ЦК на ЗИЛе А.И.
Вольский выступлений знаменитого игрока в "Торпедо".
Впрочем,Якушин тоже "наломал дров" со сборной в 1968г.
перед решающими матчами на ЧЕ-68, когда по разным причинам сборная осталась без Стрельцова,Воронина,Чи-
сленко,Сабо,Хурцилавы,Медвидя...Вспоминая все сказан-
ное выше,я просто говорю о том.что Поркуян не тот футбо- лист,которого можно и нужно сравнивать с упомянутыми.
Да,и ЧМ-70 напоминает нам об этом...
Щеголькова,Серебряникова,Соснихина,Рудакова,Хмельницкого,Пузача и т.д.?
Эти "байки" для тех, кто не застал времена Маслова 1964-70г.г.
еще больше утвердили роль первых,особенно, когда они стали играть за сб.СССР, отодвинув