Honorary president of Dnipro-1 Yuriy Bereza expressed his opinion on the letter about the withdrawal of Yuriy Maksymov's team from the Ukrainian championship.

"Dnipro-1 is my idea, it's my everything, from conception to realization. And all the Rusols, Fridmans and others are just fellow travelers. We will have to start again from the second league because they did not allow an investor to come in. What kind of future can we talk about for the club if we can't deal with the debts and understand where the money from transfers went? They did not go to the club, that's for sure.
I would like to say the following: neither Kolomoisky, Rusol nor Friedman had anything to do with the creation of SC Dnipro-1. Later they became partners, but it was all created without them. They will have to answer for the money that disappeared. I heard about the possibility of Rusol's suspension. Why only him, why not Friedman? Who brought the club to this state? The management. They had to live within their means," Bereza said.