A scandalous match of the 5th round took place in the Venezuelan championship. Caracas from the capital and Deportivo Tachira from San Cristobal took part in the match.

The teams exchanged goals in the first half, and in stoppage time there was a high-profile moment. The referee refused to count Caracas' goal and then sent off two players from the capital's club.
A penalty shootout was scheduled after the game. As a result, the Caracas players decided to sabotage it and defiantly kicked past the goal. Each of the team's three shots did not even go into the goal. At the same time, the team's goalkeeper refused to save Deportivo Tachir's shots.
However, this penalty shootout had no sporting motivation; it was part of the King of Brands Cup. This competition is purely sponsored and consists solely of a penalty shootout. Its results do not affect the outcome, so the final score remained 1:1.
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