Mudryk underwent an independent polygraph procedure in London. The player’s responses significantly exceeded the average trust n

Midfielder of London’s Chelsea Mykhailo Mudryk underwent a polygraph procedure, reports the Telegram channel “TaToTake”.

Mykhailo Mudryk

“Mudryk underwent an independent polygraph procedure in London. Mykhailo categorically stated that he is absolutely not involved in the ingestion of a prohibited substance and has not consciously taken meldonium in any form.

According to our data, the interpretation of the reactions by the polygraph examiners showed that the responses of the player of the Ukrainian national team on the detector significantly exceeded the average trust norm. That is, with a high probability, they were honest,” the message states.

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  • Cubinos Partizanos - Наставник
    17.12.2024 18:34
    Так не вплине. Проте може вплинути на термін дискваліфікації
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