Well-known commentator Viktor Vatsko expressed his thoughts on the possible transfer of "Rukh" defender Bohdan Slyubik to "Dynamo".
“This is a player who has already gone through a medical check-up at the Kyiv club and has gone to training camp. At the moment, I do not know the conditions under which he can move to “Dynamo”. I'm not even interested in them. I believe he went for a trial. If this is true, it is somewhat funny to me. The player has played about fifty matches in the Premier League. What could have been missed there if you seriously selected a player? What can be seen at training camp? Measure height because Transfermarkt might provide false information. So this is not Ceballos. Slyubik is in Ukraine.
I think about this. Is this definitely the player that “Dynamo” needs to strengthen the center of defense? The Kyivans already have all young players there. We are talking about the lack of an experienced leader who can motivate somewhere. “Dynamo” needs to strengthen the center of defense right now, not in the foreseeable future. The Kyivans have enough prospects of their own. Dyachuk, Mikhailko. I would look at Slyubik if I had a serious proposal to sell Popov, if Denys goes for 10 million, and Slyubik moves for 1.5-2 million,” Vatsko is quoted by the Telegram channel FootballHub.
Я хорошо помню защитника Боднара. Резкий, техничный, скоростной.
А в состав не попадает. Так, на замену, на подмену.
И журналисты просто достали ВВЛ вопросом. А что Ласло, а почему...???
И Василич не выдержал и выпалил как-то: "Та что вы мне о Боднаре? Он же диагональ не может научиться держать"
Это я к чему. Может (и я это вполне допускаю! Что Богдан грамотный защитник.
НО а вдруг он не сможет выполнять требования ТШ?
А Динамо, как минёр. Денег нет, игроков куча ))))
частности, оставить рассуждать на предмет сооответствия Б.Слюбика критерииям современного футбола, запро-
сам киевского "Динамо" нынешнему тренеру команды А.Шовковскому?..