«I have already won everything», — Denys Harmash announced the end of his professional career

The former midfielder of Kyiv’s "Dynamo" Denys Harmash announced that he is ending his professional career and shared his plans for the future.

Denys Harmash. Photo: D. Rudenko

— Denys, it is said that you are terminating your contract with "Metalist 1925". Is that true? Do you already have options for where to continue your career?

— Yes, that’s true. I am not looking for options. I just want to play somewhere for my enjoyment...

— At a professional level? Or maybe in a media league, amateurs?

— Not at a professional level.

— Are you really ending your pro career? You will be missed.

— I have already won everything, so I just want to play for enjoyment now.

— In any case, we will be waiting. Look, Milevsky and Aliyev are playing in the media league. There will be an addition to the legion of legends.

— Everyone’s professional career comes to an end, some earlier, some later. So, I think that’s how it is.

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  • auto-vas51
    Vas51 ° - Наставник
    19.01.2025 14:23
    Шістнадцять років в Динамо Київ грав Денис.
    Дійсно, все виграв в Україні...
    боєць на футбольному полі, боровся за справедливість з суддями на полі, а те, що ти показав жест зі своїх рук у фіналі за суперкубок фанам шахти - це класика!
    Денисе, удачі тобі в новому житті!!!
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