The former midfielder of Kyiv’s "Dynamo" Denys Harmash announced that he is ending his professional career and shared his plans for the future.
— Denys, it is said that you are terminating your contract with "Metalist 1925". Is that true? Do you already have options for where to continue your career?
— Yes, that’s true. I am not looking for options. I just want to play somewhere for my enjoyment...
— At a professional level? Or maybe in a media league, amateurs?
— Not at a professional level.
— Are you really ending your pro career? You will be missed.
— I have already won everything, so I just want to play for enjoyment now.
— In any case, we will be waiting. Look, Milevsky and Aliyev are playing in the media league. There will be an addition to the legion of legends.
— Everyone’s professional career comes to an end, some earlier, some later. So, I think that’s how it is.
Дійсно, все виграв в Україні...
боєць на футбольному полі, боровся за справедливість з суддями на полі, а те, що ти показав жест зі своїх рук у фіналі за суперкубок фанам шахти - це класика!
Денисе, удачі тобі в новому житті!!!
Спасибо тебе за все и твоя рука указывающая, куда рыжей шахте надо идти, много стоит.
Спасибо тебе, Денис Гармаш!