Former head coach of Dnipro and other Ukrainian teams Mykola Pavlov recalled the 1992/93 season of the Ukrainian Championship, in which the Dnipropetrovsk team finished 2nd, losing to Dynamo only on goal difference.

"I know that we had a lot of problems to go there. Firstly, we needed to buy tickets, arrange with the airline, flights, uniforms, advertising, applications. It was just a nightmare. I can't even imagine how we managed to do all this.
And if we had made it to the Champions League, then 100% we wouldn't have gone anywhere — we simply wouldn’t have been ready for it. There was absolutely nothing to… There are no such workers left in the club who were once in Dnipro, who dealt with this back in the Soviet Union. The level of prices for traveling, planes, everything else was completely different.
But we had a strong support group. Ivan Ivanovich Kulychenko, sponsors, someone else. All these people who helped us — we took them with us on the trip, and they helped us each to the best of their ability, sending funds as needed.
And it was the same in the championship: there were planes, but we had to pay for fuel and keep the crew, and we had to pay for hotels so they could spend the night. This fund of my head coach helped with everything, financed everything," Pavlov said.