- Ім'я:
- Vladimir Tanenkov
- Статус:
- Читатель (23 комментария)
- Зареєстровано:
- 11.03.2013 17:40
- Карма:
- 25
- Топ-10 блогерів:
- Да
Прокомментировал новость → Резо Чохонелидзе: «У Олега Владимировича контракт на четыре года»
Ya perestayu polzovatsia etim saytom tak kak vizhu chto bolshintsvo posititeley licemeri. chitaya commenti ya ponimayu chto nekotoriye hotyat rubo-golovye alla Abramovich, no esli sravnit pokupki chelsea i Dinamo Kiev to stanet srazu ponyatno s kem rabotayet Blohin. Chto mozhno ozhidat ot odnogo sezona? Pokupki bili daleki ot Bale ili Ozil, ili dazhe Soldado... Oni ne super zvezdi, eto horoshiye igroki kotoriye vihodiat na visokiy uroven kogda ispolzovani pravilno v visokokachistvennoy kommandnoy igre! Seychas etot trener nuzhen Kievu. Ya ne govoriu chto OVB ostantsia na etom postu do okonchaniya svoego contrakta, na oborot ya dumayu eto budet ne pravilno, tak kak u Blohina ne dostatochno trenerskogo videniya ili talanta, no v etot moment lutsche professionala dlia etogo luba, uvi, ne nayti. To chto delayet Chohonalidze pravilno, eto to chto dolzhni delat vse mi... Dobavliat uverenosti kommande, dazhe v trudnuyu minutu. Ya veriu v evoluziyu, ya veriu v to chto na slaydusheye dva goda nam nuzhen etot trener kotoriy zhivet etim klubom i samoye glavnoye berezhet, i zashishayet svoyih igrokov ot nas.
On POMOZHET postavit etot klub na nogi, eto semya a ne tolko business, to chego ne mozhet skazat SD!
izvenyaus za oshibki16.09.2013, 18:39 -
Прокомментировал статью → Открытое письмо Пьерлуиджи Коллине от украинских болельщиков (проект)
Dear signor Collina,
We felt it to be our duty to reach out to you, given the events which have taken place in Ukrainian football over the course of last year.
Unfortunately the efforts of one financial organisation, one football club and its president have created a mechanism for the purpose of suppressing all and every sporting principle in the national footballing community, and what’s more you represent one of the branches of this mechanism.
Not for one minute, dear honourable signor Collina, do we feel the need to mention the names of the club and its president. We believe you have had enough time to acquaint yourself with our country and thanks to your experience and professionalism understand the principles which rule over Ukrainian football. We are aware that you cannot oppose the mechanism and that in all probability you have never committed yourself to such a task. We clearly understand that you, giving your consent to head the referees’ establishment, expected to eliminate a whole range of objective deficiencies and raise the refereeing quality to a new professional level. But the time has passed, and you cannot but see that improvement of the refereeing quality is out of the question. And that is related primarily not with your procedural mistakes, but with the fact that Ukrainian referees are under the strongest of pressures from that category of persons your native country classifies as mafia. We have no doubt that with your professionalism you have long ago understood that when your supervisees enter the football field they serve not football, not Themis, not sport principles, but Mercury, the other principles, and the other tasks. And all your efforts are absolutely futile, when you attempt to change something whilst not being able to change the referees’ conscience and morals. You are helpless to change anything in the referees’ establishment which is corrupted to the core, as it lives with its own deformed and degraded set of values. You, signor Collina are not poor and therefore we will not accuse you of taking on your mission out of financial gain. But any attempt to make your supervisees objective and unbiased specialists is doomed to unavoidable failure. Knowing you as an intelligent and uncompromising person we even won’t make any certain examples, because that would mean to question your professional qualities and suspect that you don’t know or misunderstand something. We ask you to make a crucial and resolute step – openly withdraw from the assumed position due to its impracticability and total hopelessness and leave our country with your moral standing still intact. We want to assure you that by this step you will do for our football, our refereeing and our self-awareness significantly more than if you keep on with your vain efforts to teach your employees that which they successfully use today as professional methods for achieving the result required of them. And this is where they have become visibly more proficient! We are sure that by making this civil action you will significantly raise your reputation in the eyes of the global society that many years tracks in terror of the mafia-style vector of development of the Ukrainian state and football as a mirror of domestic relations. Our football has sunk in corruption and lies, in expedience and mafia-style relations. Your refusal from continuing the cooperation with such a system will become the brightest proof of its total paralysis and your honesty, decency, and commitment to your principles. You will fail with this futile work, you will not roll this stone up the hill, because the current structure of the football property will never loosen its deadly grip on all the encroached directions. We are both in a similar situation: we have nobody to rely on in this rotten to the core mechanism, as you have nobody to be supported by in that noble but impossible mission you've burdened yourself with. And no matter how many times you explain to your employees the principles and rules of football refereeing, each of them, entering the field, perfectly remembers who exactly he needs to be afraid of when making his decision. And this person is not you, signor Collina, but you can easily vocalize this name personally. You are a servant of football Themis, sincere and professional servant. But there's already no place for this goddess in Ukrainian football. And it means that it’s time to start thinking whether there is still a place in it for you.
With deep and sincere respect, Ukrainian football fans09.08.2013, 18:55 -
Прокомментировал статью → Открытое письмо Пьерлуиджи Коллине от украинских болельщиков (проект)
Dear signor Collina,
We felt it to be our duty to reach out to you, given the events which have taken place in Ukrainian football over the course of last year.
Unfortunately the efforts of one financial organisation, one football club and its president have created a mechanism for the purpose of suppressing all and every sporting principle in the national footballing community, and what’s more you represent one of the branches of this mechanism.
Not for one minute, dear honourable signor Collina, do we feel the need to mention the names of the club and its president. We believe you have had enough time to acquaint yourself with our country and thanks to your experience and professionalism understand the principles which rule over Ukrainian football. We are aware that you cannot oppose the mechanism and that in all probability you have never committed yourself to such a task. We clearly understand that you, giving your consent to head the referees’ establishment, expected to eliminate a whole range of objective deficiencies and raise the refereeing quality to a new professional level. But the time has passed, and you cannot but see that improvement of the refereeing quality is out of the question. And that is related primarily not with your procedural mistakes, but with the fact that Ukrainian referees are under the strongest of pressures from that category of persons your native country classifies as mafia. We have no doubt that with your professionalism you have long ago understood that when your supervisees enter the football field they serve not football, not Themis, not sport principles, but Mercury, the other principles, and the other tasks. And all your efforts are absolutely futile, when you attempt to change something whilst not being able to change the referees’ conscience and morals. You are helpless to change anything in the referees’ establishment which is corrupted to the core, as it lives with its own deformed and degraded set of values. You, signor Collina are not poor and therefore we will not accuse you of taking on your mission out of financial gain. But any attempt to make your supervisees objective and unbiased specialists is doomed to unavoidable failure. Knowing you as an intelligent and uncompromising person we even won’t make any certain examples, because that would mean to question your professional qualities and suspect that you don’t know or misunderstand something. We ask you to make a crucial and resolute step – openly withdraw from the assumed position due to its impracticability and total hopelessness and leave our country with your moral standing still intact. We want to assure you that by this step you will do for our football, our refereeing and our self-awareness significantly more than if you keep on with your vain efforts to teach your employees that which they successfully use today as professional methods for achieving the result required of them. And this is where they have become visibly more proficient! We are sure that by making this civil action you will significantly raise your reputation in the eyes of the global society that many years tracks in terror of the mafia-style vector of development of the Ukrainian state and football as a mirror of domestic relations. Our football has sunk in corruption and lies, in expedience and mafia-style relations. Your refusal from continuing the cooperation with such a system will become the brightest proof of its total paralysis and your honesty, decency, and commitment to your principles. You will fail with this futile work, you will not roll this stone up the hill, because the current structure of the football property will never loosen its deadly grip on all the encroached directions. We are both in a similar situation: we have nobody to rely on in this rotten to the core mechanism, as you have nobody to be supported by in that noble but impossible mission you've burdened yourself with. And no matter how many times you explain to your employees the principles and rules of football refereeing, each of them, entering the field, perfectly remembers who exactly he needs to be afraid of when making his decision. And this person is not you, signor Collina, but you can easily vocalize this name personally. You are a servant of football Themis, sincere and professional servant. But there's already no place for this goddess in Ukrainian football. And it means that it’s time to start thinking whether there is still a place in it for you.
With deep and sincere respect, Ukrainian football fans09.08.2013, 18:54 -
Прокомментировал статью → Открытое письмо Пьерлуиджи Коллине от украинских болельщиков (проект)
The above translation is full of errors. If whoever is responsible for sending these letters out cares about preserving the dignity of the Dynamo Kiev fans and Ukrainian fans in general will not send this text out. If my translation will not be used can we at least revise the above text? I'm also able to do an Italian version by sometime tomorrow afternoon. I care about this issue and therefore wouldn't want it to be sabotaged by one mans ignorance. I also speak and write Russian (though not as well as English), but for the purposes of this discussion I thought it to be best to use the language at question.
Many thanks,
Vladimir09.08.2013, 13:20 -
Прокомментировал статью → Открытое письмо Пьерлуиджи Коллине от украинских болельщиков (проект)
Thank you! I have been trying to convince the author to make changes to the text but instead he told me that he has an American colleague 'who says it's fine'. This 'translation' will be ridiculed and not taken seriously. I have made my own version of the translation which I think is closer to a professional piece than the above text, although of course I'm not as highly decorated as the 'English company worker'.
09.08.2013, 13:10 -
Прокомментировал статью → Открытое письмо Пьерлуиджи Коллине от украинских болельщиков (проект)
Dear An,
My comments weren't meant to undermine your professional capabilities but merely enforcing my wish to write a coherent letter to a high ranking official within a multilingual organisation where 'small mistakes' will be scrutinised and mocked to discredit the issue at hand. As I said before I don't question your abilities but rather would like to deliver a professional article which will be respectful to the issue at hand.
Your experience is very impressive and I can see why you would choose to advertise it so proudly and it only confirms my belief that the small errors (though many), were not made out of bad judgment.08.08.2013, 14:41 -
Прокомментировал статью → Открытое письмо Пьерлуиджи Коллине от украинских болельщиков (проект)
I love this club and did my best to make the translation as relevant to the English language as possible. The translation by 'Sergii Vasalatii (sergiivasalatii) 07.08.2013 17:01' is not bad but has some mistakes which changes the context and content quite sharply.
I hope signor Collina will receive this letter and give the appropriate attention it deserves.
Many thanks08.08.2013, 13:35 -
Прокомментировал статью → Открытое письмо Пьерлуиджи Коллине от украинских болельщиков (проект)
Please have a look at my version of the text and let me know what you think since I can not think of anything worse than sending an illiterate letter, especially on such an important matter as this.
Vladimir08.08.2013, 13:33 -
Прокомментировал статью → Открытое письмо Пьерлуиджи Коллине от украинских болельщиков (проект)
I love this club and did my best to make the translation as relevant to the English language as possible. The translation by 'Sergii Vasalatii (sergiivasalatii) 07.08.2013 17:01' is not bad but has some mistakes which changes the context and content quite sharply.
I hope signor Collina will receive this letter and give the appropriate attention it deserves.
Many thanks08.08.2013, 13:29 -
Прокомментировал статью → Открытое письмо Пьерлуиджи Коллине от украинских болельщиков (проект)
Dear Mr Collina,
We felt it to be our duty to reach out to you, given the events which have taken place in Ukrainian football over the course of last year.
Unfortunately the efforts of one financial organisation, one football club and its president have created a mechanism for the purpose of suppressing all and every sporting principle in the national footballing community, and what’s more you represent one of the branches of this mechanism.
Not for one minute, dear honourable signor Collina, do we feel the need to mention the names of the club and its president. We believe you have had enough time to acquaint yourself with our country and thanks to your experience and professionalism understand the principles which rule over Ukrainian football.
We are aware that you cannot oppose the mechanism and that in all probability you have never committed yourself to such a task. We clearly understand that you, giving your consent to head the referees’ establishment, expected to eliminate a whole range of objective deficiencies and raise the refereeing quality to a new professional level.
But the time has passed, and you cannot but see that improvement of the refereeing quality is out of the question. And that is related primarily not with your procedural mistakes, but with the fact that Ukrainian referees are under the strongest of pressures from that category of persons your native country classifies as mafia. We have no doubt that with your professionalism you have long ago understood that when your supervisees enter the football field they serve not football, not Themis, not sport principles, but Mercury, the other principles, and the other tasks. And all your efforts are absolutely futile, when you attempt to change something whilst not being able to change the referees’ conscience and morals.
You are helpless to change anything in the referees’ establishment which is corrupted to the core, as it lives with its own deformed and degraded set of values.
You, signor Collina are not poor and therefore we will not accuse you of taking on your mission out of financial gain. But any attempt to make your supervisees objective and unbiased specialists is doomed to unavoidable failure. Knowing you as an intelligent and uncompromising person we even won’t make any certain examples, because that would mean to question your professional qualities and suspect that you don’t know or misunderstand something.
We ask you to make a crucial and resolute step – openly withdraw from the assumed position due to its impracticability and total hopelessness and leave our country with your moral standing still intact.
We want to assure you that by this step you will do for our football, our refereeing and our self-awareness significantly more than if you keep on with your vain efforts to teach your employees that which they successfully use today as professional methods for achieving the result required of them. And this is where they have become visibly more proficient!
We are sure that by making this civil action you will significantly raise your reputation in the eyes of the global society that many years tracks in terror of the mafia-style vector of development of the Ukrainian state and football as a mirror of domestic relations.
Our football has sunk in corruption and lies, in expedience and mafia-style relations. Your refusal from continuing the cooperation with such a system will become the brightest proof of its total paralysis and your honesty, decency, and commitment to your principles.
You will fail with this futile work, you will not roll this stone up the hill, because the current structure of the football property will never loosen its deadly grip on all the encroached directions.
We are both in a similar situation: we have nobody to rely on in this rotten to the core mechanism, as you have nobody to be supported by in that noble but impossible mission you've burdened yourself with. And no matter how many times you explain to your employees the principles and rules of football refereeing, each of them, entering the field, perfectly remembers who exactly he needs to be afraid of when making his decision.
And this person is not you, signor Collina, but you can easily vocalize this name personally.
You are a servant of football Themis, sincere and professional servant. But there's already no place for this goddess in Ukrainian football. And it means that it’s time to start thinking whether there is still a place in it for you.
With deep and sincere respect,
Ukrainian football fans08.08.2013, 13:21 -
Прокомментировал новость → Уткин: «Надеюсь, в фильме про Яшина на главную роль не выберут гея»
Не хотел комментировать но прочитал высказывания некоторых, какая разница что человек делает за закрытыми дверми? Я уверен что пару из этих людей страдающие сексуальными извращениями просто прикревают себя. Я понимаю как сложно наверно когда тебе только учат одному но разум наверно должен развиватса и мы начнем понимать. Блин, мне нравятся пельмени и не кто меня не остановит, мне очень вкусно.
06.07.2013, 05:26 -
Прокомментировал статью → Олег САЛЕНКО: «Трансферы Ленса и Мбокани мне не понятны»
05.07.2013, 13:27 -
Прокомментировал пост → Потенційний склад команди до наступного трансферного вікна
Макаренко не плохо выглядел слева, хорошая скорость и концентрация. А центрального защитника приобретут до начала сезона. Ярмоленко хорошо выглядел под нападающим в центре, надеюсь ОВБ будет его использовать как раз там в етом сезоне. А Гусев еще под даст слева :)
25.06.2013, 18:25 -
Понравилась статья → Официально. Дьемерси Мбокани — игрок киевского «Динамо»!
22.06.2013, 12:09 -
Прокомментировал новость → Sky Sports: Ленс подписал четырехлетний контракт с «Динамо»
Welcome to the best team in Ukraine Jeremain! We're all looking forward to the next season now.
18.06.2013, 13:51 -
Прокомментировал новость → Мирон Маркевич: «Дайте Блохину поработать»
Бред паранойя
23.05.2013, 16:53 -
Понравилась новость → Дьемерси Мбокани: «Я буду играть за киевское «Динамо»
22.05.2013, 17:52 -
Прокомментировал новость → 29-й тур чемпионата Украины: результаты воскресенья. «Динамо» завоевывает «бронзу»
Нужна быстрая реакция проезошедшыму, а просто верить ничего не изменит. Трех летний план для полной реконструкции клуба.
19.05.2013, 21:11 -
Прокомментировал новость → 29-й тур чемпионата Украины: результаты воскресенья. «Динамо» завоевывает «бронзу»
Хочется что-то сказать но в этот момент тяжело найти правильные слова. Заслужыли? Легче от этого? Выводов мало, все это похоже на незамеченую во время болезнь и теперь нужно быть злым пацеентом и причем это на долго. Мой вывод только в этом: ждать придется еще пару лет. Проблем на всех уровнях на столько что у меня не хватит грамотности все их соорудить. Начиная с результатов и заканчивая с недостатком пива на стадионе, нет организации на каждом уровне управления. Если ШД пример нашей власти то Я за и начинаю понимать почему те люди голосовали за них.
Уже тринадцать лет как нету новых идей. Я буду там, на открытие нового сезона. Буду там с детскими надеждами. Пока что это все что у меня есть. Fin.19.05.2013, 20:59 -
Прокомментировал новость → Владелец «Ньюкасла» предложил игрокам £1 млн за победу над «Арсеналом»
Деньги от Тоттенхема, только им интересен проиграш Арсенала.
19.05.2013, 13:42