"Even if SkySports came with a billion-dollar contract, Dynamo or Shakhtar would say that they are against the telepool," the jo

The well-known Ukrainian journalist Dmytro Povoroznyuk spoke about another attempt by UPL clubs to create a single TV pool for broadcasting matches of the Ukrainian championship.

"UPL was created as an organization that will serve clubs, increase revenue, improve commercial figures, resolve controversial issues by voting and treat all participants equally.

What do we see in real life? On April 15, 2008, the UPL was created. In 15 years, this organization has discredited itself. No breakthrough, no decisions against the opinion of someone from the Ukrainian top. No foreign contracts, single telepool, no audience increase, no commercial increase, no AUTHORITY!

They are wiping their feet about UPR, why such an organization?

I like Evgeny Dykiy, but if 12 clubs are in favor of the telepool, and 4 are against, then why is the decision not made by a majority vote? Does this seem like a democracy or what? Why then vote in the UPL at all?

Did you really believe that Ukrainian clubs would unanimously agree to a telepool?

Even if SkySports came with a billion-dollar contract, Dynamo or Shakhtar would say they are against it. They plan to earn more on a club YouTube or channel. Here it is, soon...

Ukrainian football - you became disabled a long time ago. When you are offered a prosthesis, you wave your hand away and say, "yes, I'm fine, the main thing is that I'm proud," Povorozniuk wrote on his Facebook page.

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  • Tujh Tujh(veryoldman) - Эксперт
    13.08.2022 10:58
    Совершенно верно )))

    5 млн болельщиков Динамо, которые должны подписаться на Сетанту
    Стоимость подписки (вчера мой товарищ подписался) 109 грн
    Итого в месяц подписчики Динамо заплатят 500 млн грн.
    За 6 месяцев чемпионата 3 млрд грн.
    По курсу 40 грн за доллар - 75 млн долларов
    Даже если только 10 % болельщиков Динамо подпишутся будет 7,5 млн долларов.
    Пусть затраты займут 4 млн долларов (что это за затраты:) ), и 1,5 млн отдадут всем клубам, то 2 чистых ляма оседает в кармане транслятора единого пула ))

    Ну, я понимаю Суркиса )))
    • 5