Viktor Leonenko: “Our coaches know the mentality and at least they can yell normally, swear. What about a foreigner?

Well-known football expert Viktor Leonenko, a former Dynamo Kyiv striker, opposed the invitation of foreign coaches by Ukrainian clubs.

Victor Leonenko (photo:

“Why did a foreigner come to Zarya (Patrick van Leeuwen - ed.), I do not know. I wonder how long it will take until a foreigner is understood. Our coaches know the mentality and at least they can yell normally, swear. And then what?

I don’t understand why we need foreign coaches if we have enough of our own. I think Zavarov would gladly agree to train someone. Yes, and we have young specialists: the same Immortal, Frost. Thank God, Grigorchuk returned here. I consider him a qualified coach, and he proved it with his work.

It seems that it’s easy to pay your own people, especially when there are delays in some clubs. With foreigners, you can’t really take a walk anymore, ”Leonenko said.

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  • Микола Денисюк(Praktik) - Наставник
    16.08.2022 08:27
    А що футболiсти крiм мата нормальноi мови не розумiють? Не впевнений що Лобановський розмовляв з гравцями матом,
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